• 1Registration
  • 2Proof of origin
  • 3Price fixation
  • 4Consignment slip
  • 5Shipping options
  • 6Receive payment

On this page you can only register in German or English. Please note your selection, as invoices will later be issued in either English or German. Thank you for your understanding.

German English


On this page you can only register in German or English. Please note your selection, as invoices will later be issued in either English or German. Thank you for your understanding.

German English

Proof of origin

Confirmation of the origin of precious metals and explanation of the business model/object of business
The person signing confirms with their signature
  • The precious metal or scrap goods sold are legally acquired property, do not originate from criminal or terrorist acts, are not used for money laundering or tax evasion, do not have third party retention of title and are not pledged.
  • All transactions conducted with Hartmann & Benz GmbH are carried out within the framework of the company's own business.
  • The material supplied comes from conflict-free sources.
  • The person signing is not a politically exposed person within the meaning of the Money Laundering Act.


Dear Customer

Thank you very much for your registration. We will check your data immediately and get back to you. After your confirmation, you can log in here. We thank you for your patience.

Yours sincerely,

User Registration

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